Turn Back Time

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


July 22, 2010-Thursday

My goodness I forgot about this blogger thing (lol!). I guess I have to second the motion Ate Janjie's, " ...so I have a blogger pala," (roar!). I totally forgot about this one until Jollibee reminded us to update our blog. It's like the reaction is, "Oh yeah! Haven't thought of it for a long time now." And would have never remember it if I wasn't reminded 'bout it. Gosh! It's like my oldest post was in the year 2009, can you imagine that? And then I just updated it yesterday, my gosh! Anyway, so much 'bout this "forget" word, I'll start my updates now.
The oldest post I had was the " Love is on the Air". Unfortunately, it had come to its end. After a year and a couple of months, love died. It was all because of my stupidity and dumbness. Love really dumb you no matter how smart you are. Anyway, it was because of this guy whom I realized after being with Kent for a long time, that I haven't totally recovered from him. Stupid, aye? I wanted to endeavor not mind that feeling on him, that it was just nothing, but it turned out that it didn't work. So what happened was, I decided to be with myself alone. It was so hard to endure the pain after it because I really damn missed him. I was lost and could never make myself think straight. I thought I was doing the right thing. Damn that other guy, but I can't blame him either, for there was no one to blame but myself. It was June 18 when I decided to cut the string that tied us both. But then, after a couple of weeks, July 8...........................................................

to be continued (wala na ink ang computer)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

De Ja Vu

July 21, 2010- Wednesday

Do you know the feeling of having been there yet, it's actually your first time? It's just like, you already saw it in your dreams and then it happened the next day. For you, you already know him. Contrasting to his side, he just met you just now. My point is, you feel like you know about him a lot and you develop this feeling you never expect to come. Unfortunately, your remain a stranger to him. You're just one of those passing friends he has. Sorry for you, you've been going crazy on him for a while now. How unfair life isn't it? But that's the best thing in life, IRONY! It would help us see the true beauty of every animate existence of soul.
Sometimes having an experience of it could be a little scary. Why? It's just that sometimes you can't trace why you're here or why is it happening again. You are having hard time explaining yourself why or how. Especially on the part where you don't want it to happen and yet it seemed like you haven't escaped from it. Because it happened again and it reminded you. The worst part is, it could be the part where you were humiliated.