Turn Back Time

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


She takes care of herself. She is amazed with her busy life. She's dedicated to everything that she does. When she meets her friends, she always embrace them with a smile. Everyone admires her unbelievingly. Everyone loves her so dearly. But one thing they don't know is that there's a missing part of her. They don't know that somewhere in the corner, she's crying. She's never been really happy at all(part of it). Her smiling face and happy-go-lucky girl never really work all the time. She also bleeds somewhere in the dark where no one can see. Pretending is her salvation, atleast that's what she thinks. And seek refuge to no one but herself. Being alone is really freaky boring and lonesome. A family's care and a friend's company is never enough. She needs someone to walk with her and holds her hand when crossing the road. She needs someone to laugh at her jokes and share her unlimited stories. She needs someone to inspire her.


Conney Mercado Murro said...

nice kaau xa nih :)

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